

Fujian Province specializes in special small and medium enterprises

2019/07/11 15:03:27

In December 2017, the Fujian Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission and the Fujian Provincial Department of Finance awarded Xiamen Ouhua Industrial Co., Ltd., "Fujian Province specializes in special small and medium-sized enterprises (specialization)" honor.


Fujian Province "specialized special new" small and medium enterprises (professional)

Fujian Province specialization and specialization is the Fujian Provincial Economic and Information Commission and the Fujian Provincial Department of Finance, in order to guide Fujian enterprises to take the "specialized and special new" development path and promote the high-quality development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Among them, specialization refers to: the company focuses on core business, has high professional production, service and collaboration supporting capabilities, and can provide key components, key components, supporting products and ancillary services for large enterprises, large projects and leading enterprises. Leading products and services are in a leading position in domestic or provincial market segments, with leading products and services accounting for more than 60% of the company's sales revenue.

Address: No. 25, Tongming Road, Industrial Concentration Zone, Tong'an District, Xiamen, Fujian, China

Hongshen Industrial Park, Longchi Development Zone, Zhangzhou

URL:www.ohink.cn / scdhw.cn

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