

The development status of domestic ink

2019/07/11 15:34:32

China has now become the world's fourth largest ink producer. More than 400 small and medium-sized enterprises are located throughout the country, but none of them can produce 10% of the country's total production. At the same time, there are more than 200 water-based ink manufacturers, and no more than 10 water-based ink manufacturers with an annual output of more than 1,000 tons. China's ink industry is unevenly distributed across the country, and the differences between the east and the west are very obvious. Most of the major ink companies are concentrated in southern China, mainly in Guangdong, followed by Shanghai and Tianjin.


East China: Ink demand has increased significantly in recent years, in which the growth of offset inks and flexographic inks has stabilized, plastic inks have maintained a high growth rate, market competition has become more intense, product prices have fluctuated, and enterprises have to Quality, low price and excellent service win the market.

South China: The demand for ink has increased compared with previous years. However, due to the contradiction between supply and demand, the price will continue to decline and the competition will become more intense.

Southwest China: Emerging small and medium-sized ink manufacturers are constantly emerging, and the quality standards are uneven. Due to the price factor, it is difficult for manufacturers to develop new products, which will affect the overall improvement of the printing industry.

North China: The ink market presents three major characteristics: water-based flexible letterpress and UV series inks develop faster; offset inks are dominated by the region's leading products; solvent-based inks will gradually withdraw from the market, and water-based inks will gradually occupy more proportion.

Western Region: Due to the relatively backward economic development of the region, the grade requirements for ink are not very high, and the market potential is large.

Experts in the industry believe that the demand for lithographic offset inks, screen printing inks, flexor inks, special inks and other products in the domestic market will show an upward trend, and with the strengthening of environmental awareness in China, advanced alcohol-soluble inks such as alcohol-soluble and water-based inks will It is growing rapidly.

Address: No. 25, Tongming Road, Industrial Concentration Zone, Tong'an District, Xiamen, Fujian, China

Hongshen Industrial Park, Longchi Development Zone, Zhangzhou

URL:www.ohink.cn / scdhw.cn

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